
Join Now

Join Now!

Now that you have learned more about the value and benefits of joining ESPA, you can join through the My ESPA Portal by following the steps below.

Follow these easy online steps to join ESPA today…

  1. First determine at what membership type and level you’d like to join. Read more about the Member Type options here
  2. Click on the “My ESPA Portal” link at the top of this page to start the process of purchasing your membership.
  3. If you do not already have a log-in with ESPA, please set up an account then join
  4. If you already have a Non-Member account with ESPA from past ESPA participation and would like to join as a member, Log-in (click forgot password to re-set it on the new Portal), and Click My Membership/Community, then under “Account + Settings” select “Payments & History” and then “Membership” to select the membership level you would like to join

For a savings on dues, join at the Organizational level with multiple Active members from your venue or CVB under one Organization-level membership.  Just select which Organizational level you would like to join and once the membership fees have been paid, ESPA Headquarters will reach out with information how you and your team can create your own individual accounts.

Questions? 609-799-3712 or info@espaonline.org

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