Event Services Professional Foundational Training Program
Defining the role Event Service Professionals play, what to expect as a Service Professional, and achieving success
Thank you for enrolling in this Training Program created specifically for the profession of Event Services. We’re glad you’re here!
The program is broken up into 13 different video lessons of varying lengths. From start to finish, the program is approximately 3 hours in duration.
Certificate of Completion
If you would like to obtain a certificate of completion for the Training which will be required for earning CMP credits, or for ESPA’s future Certification in Event Servicing, please be sure to download and complete this Training Program Evaluation which will require you to share information as you go through the program. Be sure you have it handy as you get started. When completed, submit the form to info@espaonline.org so that your participation can be verified.
(Note this is a certificate which demonstrates participation in the program, and is not assessment or competency based.)
If you have any questions or need assistance at any time, please contact ESPA headquarters at info@espaonline.org or 609-799-3712.